A Keen Eye for Roofing Safety

Question: What are some major safety “no-no’s” I should watch for when my roofing provider is on my roof?

Answer:  As a facility manager or building owner, if you have a roofing contractor on your roof, you want to make sure you select somebody that’s qualified before they even get up there. But while they’re on top, we want to make sure that everybody is safe. Falls are the number one cause of fatalities in the construction industry. At Simon Roofing, we are absolutely committed to our employees’ safety and that’s something as a facility manager you want to be prepared and looking for. On the roof, we’re looking to make sure that everybody up there is tied off, and that means that they’re in a harness and tied off with a lanyard to an approved fall arrest system or they’re behind a perimeter warning line system that according to OSHA, is at least six feet from the edge.

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